SV Peetam - God is one, All are one.
Shift in thinking & attitude to Live life happily. Live with ease, not a disease.


Mantrams are collection of phrases, words and sounds which by virtue of rhythmic effect achieve results that would not be possible apart from them.

Master Djwhal Khul

Letters on Occult Meditation.


"Mananat trayate
iti mantraha"

As much as repetitively chanted, so much the sound formula (mantram) protects”. This is the definition of mantram. The mantram has a threefold effect: it protects you, directs you in the right way and illumines the mind. When uttered with veneration regularly in a given centre of the body, the related sound vibration generates from that centre and moves circularly creating a funnel of Light. It encircles the utterer from head to toe and builds a protective etheric shield. This protective shield prevents the person from falling into wrong directions and allows one to proceed in the right direction. Ultimately, through long years of regular practice it would cause the illumination of the mind.

Mantrams are rhythmic sounds, with specific intonations. The rhythm, intonation and intent are the keys relating to them. Application of these keys with the related colour on the related centre, with the corresponding symbol would accomplish astonishing results which are otherwise gained slowly and gradually sometimes.  And many times the subjective and objective purposes that are achieved through the practice of mantrams are not otherwise achievable. This is because they are essentially fiery and cause purification rapidly inside and outside. But casual utterance would not give such results. 

Remember that the keys to chant a mantram are:

  • 1. Sound vibration

    To accomplish the vibration, the student should carefully listen to the sound of the letters. He is not recommended to utter unless he has listened well and gained the related confidence to utter.

  • 2. Rhythmic utterance

    To achieve the rhythm of sound relating to the mantram, the students would grow aware of the musical note involved. He should have a little musical sense too.

  • 3. intent

    To gain intent, ability to focus, reverence to the practice, discipline of purity and continuity of practice are needed

  • 4. intonation

    Intonation again comes from careful listening and uttering. It demands training of the tongue.

  • 5. colour

    Colour is a matter of visualization, so also the symbol, based on the student's ability to focus, while the centre (the chakra at which to work) is a mental proposition.

  • 6. centre

    Such is the approach to utter forth mantrams. It cannot be casual. It is scientific and in advanced states becomes artistic. The scientific practice of mantram is called TANTRA. The symbol for the mantram is called YANTRA.

  • 7. symbol

    Thus, mantram is accomplished by the triangular activity of its application as per the science (Tantra) on a symbol (Yantra). It is unfortunate that Tantra is more misinterpreted and maligned than rightly understood. The true practice of Tantra is therefore, related to mantram (the sound) and is preserved well, till date, in the Blue Mountains of South India and in the secret places of Tibet. It is about time that Tantra is understood in its appropriateness. In recent times the great sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa of Bengal (India) has been the true exponent of Tantric practices. The students would do well to read his life and the austere practices he adopted to gain full comprehension of Mantram and Tantra.