As creatures aware of our own existence, we human beings have a direct
responsibility for each individual needs to know
What is Satsang?
Satsang is a sanskrit word, where sat means true, sang means society, community, company etc., meaning “in the company of truth”. A spiritual journey can be loaded with many obstacles, challenges, questions, fears, etc., Sometimes we feel alone on this journey. Also some times we want to hear and discuss about the The Truth. Satsang aids in all these cases.

Why Satsang?
In vedic times, wisdom was shared oraly. Disciples sit with their Guru and hear to their discourses, and get spiritual wisdom. This satsang is there in all cultures. These days seekers are reaching out their spiritual guru’s for seeking wisdom. These spiritual gatherings can also be a held by a group of like minded people and conduct discussions in search of truth and also improve their understandings.

Jyothirmaye amma has conducted these satsangs at many places and helped many seekers in search of truth as a part of their spiritual journey.